Welcome to the new Lighthouse Catholic Media Resource Center.
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LCM Resource Center
Welcome to the Lighthouse Catholic Media Resource Center
Top Downloads
- Master Parish Order Form
- Secure Order Form (for Credit Cards)
- Title Listing
- CD Synopses & Feedback (English)
- CD Synopses & Feedback (Español)
- New Reps Getting Started
- Prospectus
- Volunteer Handbook
- Independent Contractor Agreement
- Exchange Form
- 8CD Display Brochure
- 16CD Display Brochure
- Freestanding Display Brochure
- CD Club Brochure
- Lighthouse Parish Catalog
This is the new Resource Center for Lighthouse Catholic Media. Similar to Wikipedia, think of this as an encyclopedia for Lighthouse. On the left side of the page, is a list of the main topics on information. Browse through those to find out more. To the right is a list of the Top 10 Downloads most needed for being a Lighthouse Representative, arranged for your convenience.
Getting Started
This is where all new reps should go first. The Prospectus, training and volunteer guides, and other helpful information is here. You'll learn all about Lighthouse, and get off to a great start on spreading the word!
Annual Conference
Information about our annual conference, a great place to network and listen to talks that will help you more become proficient in promoting Lighthouse and the Catholic Faith. You will also find archived information on past conferences.
Being a Vendor
Helpful information on how to be the best vendor at a Catholic event or conference. Table set-up, number of CDs to bring, and helpful checklists are available to help out our vendors.
Books and Booklets
Lighthouse Catholic Media has a great collection of books to read, and you can find information with flyers and bulletin inserts for the books here.
Bulletins/Pulpit Announcements/Inserts
A collection of bulletin announcements/inserts and pulpit announcements.
CD/MP3 Resources
Here you will find a list of all our CDs, with their descriptions, select quotes, CD cover, as well as an mp3 download. You can sort by CD or author.
Find a collection of great quotes and feedback from customers on this page: Monthly CD Feedback.
CD of the Month Club
All the information you'll need for our CD of the Month Club (CDoM/CDMC). Pulpit announcements, subscription forms, promos, and images to help you promote this great club!
Conference Calls
Every week on Monday night, a conference call is held for all Account Managers. Information on how to join the next one, as well as past recordings are kept here.
A collection of high resolution Lighthouse imagery for you to use.
Frequently Asked Questions about NetSuite. Go here first if you are having trouble. Also, a collection of videos and how to guides for learning NetSuite can be found here: Account Manager Training.
Operations Bulletins
A chronological list of Operations Bulletins. Sortable by number or subject.
Here you will find information and resources on current running promotions, as well as past ones. A very exciting new promotion is YouCat, an official Youth Catechism endorsed by the Pope! Find out more about it here: Youcat.
Volunteers make the world go round. Documents for training volunteers, as well as volunteer newsletters, can be found here.
Ignatius Press
Lighthouse has teamed up with Ignatius Press, and you will find documents here that will help you with the current promotions and fundraisers being offered.
Reditus Marketing and Lighthouse have collaborated to invite local businesses to sponsor-in-part the Lighthouse FaithRaiser Program that will allow pastors to order bulk CDs at no cost to the parish. The Business Sponsors are recognized on the CD display in appreciation for their sponsorship.
Word On Fire
Lighthouse has a partnership with Father Robert Barron's Word on Fire ministries. Information on what CDs and booklets are offered, as well as pricing guides, are found here.
This page is designed for you to post questions and comments for the new Resource Center, or Lighthouse in general.
It's not hard to use this new Resource Center, and this page has documents and articles explaining how to use and edit this wiki, so you'll be up to speed in no time!